I've diverted my attention at the moment from my GUI program to other matters, particularly guitar. For pretty much my entire life, I've had many diverse interests, but have typically only focused on one or two at a time, often to an obsessive point. This continues to this day, where mostly these interests have shifted back and forth from programming to playing guitar. I wouldn't consider myself a superstar or anything, but I would say that I have pretty good rhythm ability and can play fairly basic blues-based solos. I typically either noodle-around with blues solos and pentatonic scales, or try to learn and play the music that deeply interests me, primarily the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. There hasn't been a lot super specific going on , but this is generally what I've been focusing on before school starts back up again later in the month.
(Learning Outcome: #1)
(Learning Outcome: #1)
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