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Showing posts from December, 2018

CAS Blog: December 8, 2018 - December 14, 2018

     I have been continuing my work on improving both my musicianship and the quality of my  Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I had continued to plan and 'mastermind', so to speak, throughout this past week. What I've started doing in particular is planning the first session that my players will undertake as a part of the campaign. Previously, I had been designing the fictional world that my campaign will take place in, its origins, its conflicts, etc; really the 'big picture' stuff. Now, things are getting more specific. The first session of my campaign involves the player characters delivering a shipment to a settlement of brutal, imperialist dwarves (who are the central antagonists of my campaign), and it should be pretty interesting how things turn out, as there are a variety of courses of action the players can take upon arriving. Will they try to befriend these dwarves, only to betray them later? Or will they go all-out and start attacking immediately? It se...

CAS Blog: December 1 - 7, 2018

     Within this time frame, I had continued practicing the music that I need to for guitar, but that has somewhat taken a back seat to the the planning of my Dungeons and Dragons campaign. I’ve been interested in the game for a very long time, since the 5th grade, but I’d never had the opportunity to actually create a world for my players to adventure in and act as a Dungeon Master. That changed when the head of the club, Julian, appointed me as one of two people (along with Sayer) who would be running their own campaigns. Ever since then, when possible, I had, and still continue, researching different enemies, settings, items, and scenarios that I could populate my game world with. (Learning Outcome #1, #3) One of the pages from a campaign journal that I am writing (by campaign journal I mean a journal which details plans for gaming sessions)