I have been continuing my work on improving both my musicianship and the quality of my Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I had continued to plan and 'mastermind', so to speak, throughout this past week. What I've started doing in particular is planning the first session that my players will undertake as a part of the campaign. Previously, I had been designing the fictional world that my campaign will take place in, its origins, its conflicts, etc; really the 'big picture' stuff. Now, things are getting more specific. The first session of my campaign involves the player characters delivering a shipment to a settlement of brutal, imperialist dwarves (who are the central antagonists of my campaign), and it should be pretty interesting how things turn out, as there are a variety of courses of action the players can take upon arriving. Will they try to befriend these dwarves, only to betray them later? Or will they go all-out and start attacking immediately? It se...