Much of this past month was taken up by the 3D Magnetic Sculptures J-Term with Mike, and due to the exhaustion that followed most school days, I have been a little lighter on CAS work than usual. Nevertheless, the month has not been entirely devoid of it. I have been continuing to attend D&D Club and have had a lot of fun with my friends in that regard. Also, I have been continued to go to the gym and get personal training from Blake. I understand that it is good for your body (and mind for that matter), and I intend on continuing, but I sometimes wish that there was some sort of physical exercise that I truly enjoyed. Talking to him while working out is okay, but I don't know if the exhaustion that I feel by the end is entirely worth something that I am not myself entirely invested in. I'll see where it goes from here, but for now I'm sticking with it. My goal is to keep sticking with it and improving my mental and physical fitness through exercise, but we'll see...